
Standard Advanced
Dropbox core features

The amount of space you receive by default

5 TB (5,000 GB) As much space as needed
Best-in-class sync technology

Faster sync using our delta, LAN, and streaming sync technology

Anytime, anywhere access

Access your Dropbox account from any Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android device.

256-bit AES and SSL/TLS encryption

Dropbox uses 256-bit AES for files at rest and SSL/TLS for data in transit, so your files are protected.

Legally binding eSignature requests within Dropbox

Add legally binding eSignatures to your documents without ever leaving your Dropbox account.

Up to 3 per month Up to 3 per month
Advanced data protection
Version history and file recovery

Easily recover deleted files and restore previous file versions.

180 days 180 days
Dropbox Rewind

Recover from accidents or ransomware by reversing all changes to your content at the folder or account level.

180-day history 180-day history
Computer backup

Keep important files safe with automatic backup of the Desktop, Downloads, and Documents folders on your PC or Mac.

Dropbox Passwords

Seamlessly log in to websites and apps—and securely access passwords anywhere.

Beta Beta
Advanced sharing permissions, including disable downloads

Controls like view-only permissions, password protection, and expiring shared links give you even more control over sharing.

Password-protected and expiring shared links

Password-protect your links or set expiration dates to grant temporary access.

Remote device wipe

Clear files from lost or stolen devices to keep company data in the right hands.

Require two-factor authentication (2FA)

Require six-digit security code or key in addition to a password to access your account.


Protect your best ideas. Add a digital watermark to any file before sharing with collaborators or clients.

Granular permissions

Manage access and sharing controls for any folder or sub-folder.

Account transfer tool

Easily transfer files from one user to another when responsibilities change

Enables HIPAA compliance

We’re committed to helping customers subject to HIPAA/HITECH regulations safeguard protected health information (PHI).

Device approvals

Admins can control the number of connected devices and what happens to disconnected devices.

Powerful administrative tools
Admin console

Monitor team activity, view connected devices, and audit sharing activity.

Multi-team admin login

Manage multiple Dropbox teams with a single admin login.

Centralized billing

Manage and pay for all employees’ accounts with a single bill.

Company-managed groups

Allow admins to create authoritative groups that users cannot modify.

Unlimited API access to security platform partnerss

Get unlimited API access to SIEM, DLP & CASB, Network Security, Identity & Access Management, Enterprise Mobility Management, and Legal Hold partners.

Unlimited API access to productivity platform partners

Get unlimited access to our productivity partner ecosystem, with app integrations for Communication, Workflow, Project Management, CRM, Productivity, Education, Media & Design, Finance, eSignature, and Marketing solutions.

1 billion API calls/month for data transport partners

Transfer data from your existing solutions with 1 billion included API calls per month to data transport partners. For additional data transport needs, contact support.

Tiered admin roles

Allows teams to have multiple admin roles, each with a different set of permissions.

Sign in as user

Allows team admins to sign in to the Dropbox accounts of members of their teams.

Audit logs with file event tracking

Monitor the file-level actions your team members are taking.

Single sign-on (SSO) integrations

Easily integrate Dropbox with any large identity provider.

Invite enforcement

Force invited users with a Dropbox account on your domain to join the team account.

Priority email support
Live chat support
Phone support Business hours only Business hours only